Install and License Matlab on Offline Lehigh Workstations
Most Lehigh-owned computers running Matlab do so by contacting a license server over the LAN to obtain a concurrent user license while they’re using the software. Sometimes, however, it’s necessary to install the software onto a system which is not connected to the LAN. This can be done by accessing the Mathworks licensing center and obtaining a license file for each specific machine to be so licensed. It’s cumbersome, because these license files need to be regenerated each year, but it is possible. This document describes that procedure.
This procedure is exactly that outlined on Mathworks' website on the following pages:
How do I activate MATLAB or other MathWorks products without an internet connection?
What is a Host ID and how do I find my Host ID to activate my product?
The example below uses a Windows-based system.
Find the ‘Host ID’ for the computer you’re installing the software onto.
The easiest way to do this is to open a command prompt on the machine by typing ‘cmd’ in the Start menu’s search box.
Type ‘ipconfig /all'. This will list the network interfaces on the computer. One will be the primary ethernet interface, and will list a 'Physical Address’ that consists of 12 characters.
That’s your HostID.
Log into the Mathworks License Center, and select a Designated Computer License.
In a web browser on an internet-connected computer, go to
Log in with your Lehigh Username and Password.
Click ‘Designated Computer’ to select that license to associate this with this installation.
Select the ‘Install and Activate’ tab, and click ‘Activate to Retrieve License’.
Specify the MATLAB version you have installed (or will have), specify the computer’s operating system type, enter your system’s Host ID and an indicative ‘Computer Label’ to describe the computer, and click ‘Continue’.
Specify whether the software is already installed or not.
If not, you get an opportunity to download the installer here.
Save the generated license file, and name it descriptively.
It may be handy to keep these license files in case the software needs to be re-installed during the year.
Next, copy the license file and, if needed, the software installation files to the offline workstation, (using a flash drive, or other means)
If the software is not yet installed, run the setup program, and install MATLAB.
After the installation is done, the setup program will automatically start the licensing wizard.
You can then specify the file installation key and open the license file.
If the software is already installed, you can simply run the license activation wizard.
On Windows systems with MATLAB 2022a, that program is located at C:\Program Files\MATLAB\R2022a\bin\win64\activate_matlab.exe
In that wizard, indicate that you have a license file, and direct it to the one acquired in step 6.
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