Lehigh Accounts and Passwords
The LTS Identity and Access Management office located in the Computing Center oversees computer accounts for most Lehigh services. Most Lehigh services support Single Sign On (SSO). All users are assigned a 4 or 6 character username and set a password when they open their accounts. Users must also set up two factor authentication (2FA) to provide additional security on their accounts.
- Change your password - Password changes are required two times each year (one time if 2FA is enabled), and a reminder message will be sent to your account starting approximately fourteen days before access to the account will be automatically removed.
- Lehigh Microsoft Office 365 Accounts
- Lehigh Special Accounts (Online Request Form) – Lehigh logins for special purposes.
- Students and former students: You can request transcripts and Registration and Academic Services (some options do not require Lehigh credentials)
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