

Students:  LTS Computing Site Printers

Networked printers are available for use by students in many LTS-maintained classrooms and labs. These printers use the PaperCut system (a project of the office of sustainability and LTS), and are all connected through LTS's main network print server, queue1.cc.lehigh.edu. 

All Lehigh users can send jobs to those printers using the following methods:

  1.  Direct from Windows or macOS (at the classrooms and computing sites)
  2.  From PaperCut Mobility printing,
  3.  From PaperCut webprint (limited to printing PDFs, MS Office files, and image files)  and 
  4.  Via email with the PaperCut mail gateway.   

In every case, you will need to log into PaperCut with your Lehigh account (it's automatic at LTS Computing Sites), which manages printer usage.  

Questions? View our Printing FAQ, or perhaps, check your PaperCut Account.

Faculty/Staff:  Departmental Network Printers

  • Windows users should use the new Print Server System (for Lehigh-owned Windows PCs):  https://printers.cc.lehigh.edu.  This server maintains a list of numerous departmental printers, manages access to them, and also maintains up-to-date Windows drivers for them.  Windows users can simply double-click listed printers to create connections from their machines. 
  • Mac and Linux users should see 'Find the Network Name of a Printer on the Lehigh LAN' to first find the network name of their desired printer, and then follow instructions for connecting to it via 'IP or Hostname'. (macOS)
  • Be aware that physical access to and maintenance of network printers is controlled by the owning department.  Faculty and staff should contact their department coordinator, contact the LTS Help Desk, or submit a request for help for any clarification or assistance.  

Departmental Network Printers

    • Departments are responsible for purchasing and maintaining their own network printers and copiers. LTS may be able to diagnose, but not typically repair basic printer issues.
    • LTS recommends HP printers with hard-wired network capabilities. For assistance selecting an appropriate HP printer, please consult your LTS Computing Consultant. 
    • For HP printers, many departments have a business arrangement with Lehigh Valley Business Machines who can set up Managed Print Services to fully monitor your printers with ‘Just in time’ toner delivery and automated service alerts.
    • LTS recommends Ricoh copiers with hard-wired network capabilities. Copier contracts are negotiated directly through Ricoh.
    • Be aware that printers manufactured by companies other than HP and Ricoh (such Epson, Brother, etc.) are not fully supported by either LVBM or Ricoh.

Custom Printing Services

For specialized printing requests, such as flyers, posters, banners, and promotional materials, Mountain Hawk Design & Print Center.  The Copy Center @ Rauch in the basement of the Rauch Business Center does copies and color printing. 

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