Check your PaperCut Account

Check your PaperCut Account

Lehigh utilizes PaperCut as its print management solution. When using a public site computer on campus, you can view your current printing balance at a glance on the PaperCut gadget which appears on the desktop screen upon login. Your printing allowance starts at 75 points and will decrease, or "count down", with each page printed.

1.  Log into your PaperCut account by clicking on the desktop gadget on any public site computer or by entering your Lehigh username and password at https://papercut.cc.lehigh.edu:9192/user

2.  After logging into your account, you can quickly see how many pages you have printed as well as the remaining balance left on your balance.

Look for the "Summary" table at the top of the main page in PaperCut. The amount of points listed behind Balance will decrease (from a starting amount of 75.00) until it reaches 0.00. The number behind Total pages will increase from 0 and max out at the page limit of 1500.

3.  You can also view a graphical representation of the environmental impact your printing habits have.

4.  PaperCut also provides the following other views:

  • Rates - A list of all printers and their point rate within PaperCut
  • Transaction History - All credited or debited transactions to your account
  • Recent Print Jobs - All print jobs recorded by PaperCut in the past 2 weeks
  • Jobs Pending Release - Not used at Lehigh
  • Web print - PaperCut's Web-based printing utility

To log out, select "Log Out" under your username in the upper left corner.


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