Library Services
Library Resources and Services
- LTS website including Asa, Lehigh's online catalog, databases, digital collections, and other resources and services
- Library database A-Z list
- Interlibrary loan resources
- Libguides. Libguides are librarian-created guides to resources by discipline or topic, e.g., business, marketing, chemistry, anthropology, etc.
- Lehigh Preserve is the institutional repository for Lehigh scholarship. It is an excellent source for Lehigh masters theses, doctoral dissertations, faculty and student scholarship, and more.
- The Epitome, Lehigh's Yearbook online, the Alumni Bulletin, student publications, and course catalogs are on
- The Brown and White, Lehigh's student newspaper (1894-2015)
Other Help
- Library hours
- Library visitor policy
- Exam proctoring services are sometimes available (dependent on date/time and staff availability). Email or call 610-758-3070 to initiate a request.
- Access the Chronicle of Higher Education
- Access the New York Times Online
- Access the Wall Street Journal Online
- Access the Washington Post
- How to use Library Single Search
- Library Resources FAQ — Frequent questions related to finding articles, books and library resources
Related content
For immediate help, contact the LTS Help Desk (Hours)
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