Data Center & Operations Support
Our Network Operations Center (NOC) is located next to the main data center and provides support for data center operations, centralized monitoring and alerting, and is our primary interface for incident management. Open source and proprietary monitoring software provide visibility and alerting for all components of our cyberinfrastructure 24x7x365
Support Hours: 610-758-4019
M-F 6:30 am - 11:00 pm (onsite in NOC)
Saturday 9:00 am - 4:00 pm (on call)
Sunday 11:00 am - 10:00 pm (on call)
University Holidays - 9:00 am - 4:00 (on call)
Issue Severity Definitions:
Critical System Issues (Life Safety Focus):
Definition: Any event that poses an immediate threat to human life or safety within the data center environment.
Fire alarms
Security breaches with potential for physical harm
Power outages impacting critical life safety systems (emergency lighting, ventilation).
Critical System Issues (Non Life Safety)
Definition: A critical system issue significantly disrupts core business operations, impacting productivity, revenue, and/or customer satisfaction. It often requires immediate attention to prevent further damage or losses.
High impact: Affects multiple users or departments.
Time-sensitive: Requires immediate resolution to minimize downtime.
May involve: Complete system outages, severe performance degradation, data loss or corruption, security breaches, and critical hardware failures.
Complete failure of a core application.
Major network outage preventing employees from accessing essential resources.
Ransomware attack encrypting critical data.
Failure of a critical server or database.
Non-Critical System Issues
Definition: A non-critical system issue has a limited impact on operations and can often be addressed during regular support hours without causing significant disruption.
Localized impact: Affects a small number of users or a specific function.
Lower urgency: Can be scheduled for resolution without immediate action.
May involve: Minor bugs or glitches, performance issues affecting a single user, problems with non-essential peripherals, or requests for new features or enhancements.
Intermittent problems with a specific software application.
Slow network speeds for a single user.
Difficulty connecting to a printer.
Request for a new report or dashboard in an existing system.
Support Request Process(s) based on Issue Severity:
Life safety critical system Issue process
Contact LUPD - On-Campus / University Phone - x84200
Critical system issue (non life safety) process
Contact Operations at 610-758-4019 (see support hours)
Operations will contact the appropriate Systems and/or Network Engineers as soon as possible. Please note that System and/or Network Engineers are not on call so support will be best effort.
Join the Zoom Bridge that was previously shared with you for these types of incidents. The LTS team will join as soon as they are able.
Non-critical system issue process
Contact the help desk
Issue will be routed to the appropriate teams
If the issue needs to be escalated, Help Desk will contact Operations
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For immediate help, contact the LTS Help Desk (Hours)
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