What to Do When You Change Your Password

Lehigh requires that users change their passwords every six months, or once per year when utilizing Two-Factor Authentication with Duo. Follow these procedures to eliminate the most common causes of login failures. 

Take the following recommended action for each device or application that you use:

Windows laptop or desktop computer: If your laptop is in the Active Directory (and it probably is if you are faculty or staff) make your password change while connected to the Lehigh network via a LAN cable (not wirelessly). This updates the laptop password so you can log on while off-network (e.g. at home or while traveling). After you change your password, you MUST restart your laptop and login with the new password to avoid being locked out of your account.

Mac computer wireless network: If your wireless connection doesn't recognize that your old password has changed, you may need to remove and recreate the network so you can login with the new password.

Windows laptop wireless network. If your laptop is in the Active Directory (and it probably is if you are faculty or staff), you will not need to reset your password for the "lehigh" wireless network. This is because the network acquires your new password automatically after you login to your laptop with the new password.

Mobile device wireless network (smartphones, tablets). When your mobile device attempts to access the "lehigh" wireless network following your password change, the connection will fail on the old saved password and should prompt you for your new one. After you enter the new password, you may be prompted to accept the security certificate for the "lehigh" network. If prompted, tap Accept.

Lehigh Gmail If you use Lehigh Gmail, DO NOT make any changes to your email settings on your mobile device, no matter the operating system. This is because your device uses a Google Passphrase to access your email, rather than your Lehigh password. Essentially, once you configure a mobile device for Lehigh Gmail, you never have to change the settings. 

Additional Steps While Off-Campus with a Lehigh Owned Windows Device:

After changing your Lehigh account password, your profile login for your Windows device will not automatically update from off campus until you have completed these steps:

  1. Log into your computer using your previous password.
  2. Once you are logged in, make sure you are connected to the Internet, and then connect to the VPN.
  3. Wait a few minutes. Hold down the Windows key and tap L. This will lock your computer and bring up the Windows login.
  4. Log in with your username and your new password. You will be able to use your new password from now on to sign into your Windows device.

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