Special Accounts

While most Lehigh Computing Accounts are assigned to individuals attending or working directly for the university, and designed not to be shared, there are often circumstances that make it necessary or helpful to have something else.  For example, collaborators from other universities, vendors, or visitors may need accounts to log into and use resources on campus for research or maintenance purposes.  As well, it may be desirable for a team or group to have an account that can be used by more than one person for receiving email, using resources or distributing information.  Further, some vendors require external accounts that are set up for them by Lehigh, and directly associated with their Lehigh account.

  • Temporary Visitor --  campus guest, conference presenter, parent, alumni, residential services
  • Conference/Event Attendees  -- request group of accounts for conference or special event  
  • Sponsored Individual (requires LIN) -- wage employee, research scholar, visiting researcher, international visitor, or other non-registered Lehigh student or employee individual with legitimate academic/work purpose
  • Lehigh Organizational Account -- ('in' account) departmental / organizational account (for email/web)
  • Research Computing Account -- access high performance computing resources

Special Account Request Page

Request any of these kinds of special accounts at https://accounts.lehigh.edu/accounts.

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