LINs, Usernames and Passwords Explained

LINs, Usernames and Passwords Explained

Lehigh Identification Number (LIN)

This 9-digit Lehigh identification number is used as an id number in Banner, as well as some other systems which don't support usernames, such as PALCI and ILLIAD. This number does not change. There are two ways to find your LIN:

Find your LIN in Banner

  1. Go to connect.lehigh.edu
  2. From the menu, select Banner.
  3. Enter your Lehigh username and password.
  4. Click on Personal Information.
  5. Click on What's My Lehigh ID Number?

Find your LIN via the Accounts page

  1. Go to accounts.lehigh.edu
  2. Click on Display Account Information.
  3. Enter your Lehigh username and password.
  4. Your LIN number will appear in the upper right corner of the screen.

Your LIN number always begins with 8, and the last four digits are printed on your Lehigh ID card, so you only need to remember the middle 4 digits.


The username is the first part of your email address (the xyz123 part of 'xyz123@lehigh.edu' ) and is also used to log into many Lehigh services. It is paired with a password that you assign. Usernames created prior to 2005 are four characters long, e.g., sek2. Those created since then are six characters long, and based on initials and a three digit number.


When you open your account, you assign yourself a password. Passwords must follow certain rules. They must:

  • Be 8 or more characters long
  • Contain at least one alphabetic character
  • Contain at least one numeric or punctuation character.
  • Be changed two times each year,
  • Not match any previously used password.

Prior to your password expiration, you'll get email reminders that it's time to change it.  If you ignore these reminders, your account will be disabled.  Accounts with Duo, are only required to change passwords one time per year, as Duo provides additional account security.

Recovery Email Address

The personal email address linked to your Lehigh account can be used to recover access to it should you forget your password. The web page at https://lehigh.edu/forgot will accept your username and send you a verification email with further instructions to complete account recovery. In 2023, this process replaced security questions as the primary way for you to recover access to your Lehigh account. More information about account recovery using your email can be found in our Account Recovery with Personal Email FAQ

Other Account Types

  • Banner Accounts for administrators: Banner Self Service (also known as "Web for...") typically only provides access to various aspects of your own personal Banner information. Individuals who have update or query capabilities (for financial records, student records, etc.) within Banner will need to have a separate Banner account. Accounts accessing Banner in this manner (known as Internet Native Banner or Banner Forms) will utilize your same username as per above, but will use a different password which is maintained separately from your primary password.
  • 25Live accounts: 25Live is a room scheduling system used by the university to schedule classes and other events. To get an account on this system, see the room coordinator for your department or college, or contact the University Center.
  • Departmental or club accounts: These are accounts used to manage departmental email or Web pages. Contact Kelly Decker at 8-3990 to inquire about these accounts.

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