FAQ: Microsoft Office 365 at Lehigh
If you don't see the answer to your question, visit the Office 365 Get Started Guide or contact the Help Desk (610-758-4357 or helpdesk@lehigh.edu).
Do I need to request a Lehigh Office 365 account?
Nope. Office 365 accounts are automatically created for all faculty, staff and students and linked to their Lehigh accounts. To log into your account, go to https://portal.office.com/ and enter your Lehigh email address (ex. 'abc123@lehigh.edu') and your Lehigh password. Use those same credentials to log into any Microsoft Office product. If prompted for a "Work or School Account" vs. "Personal Account", always choose "Work or School" to use the one tied to Lehigh's Active Directory. When you login, Microsoft's authentication page does a "pass-through" to Lehigh's Active Directory server to validate your account, and authenticate you.
How long is my Lehigh Office 365 account active?
Your Lehigh Office 365 is directly tied to your Lehigh Active Directory account. For Students, it will remain active for as long as you are registered for classes. If you graduate or leave the University, your Lehigh Office 365 subscription will end on the date of the drop/add period of the semester which follows your graduation or leaving. You will no longer have access to your 365 account or Lehigh OneDrive space through either the web interface or sync client. Any MS Office programs installed on desktops/laptops, phones, tablets will revert to a reduced functionality mode - you will be able to open/view documents, but not edit or create them.
How many computers can I install MS Office software on via my Lehigh Office 365 account, and where can it be used?
Office 365 may be used on up to five computers and also up to five mobile devices. This includes both PCs and Macs. Faculty and staff are encouraged to use Office 2019 (Win) /2019 (Mac) from Lehigh's software installation page (LUIS) on Lehigh-owned computers.
I have installed Office, and it's prompted me for a password. My Office365 password does not work.
Note that if you had a personal Office 365 account prior to getting your Lehigh account, you should not try to maintain both on the same machine.
- Make sure you are entering your Lehigh email with "@lehigh.edu."
- Make sure to select the school/organization option if prompted.
- Try rebooting after your install Office. If that does not work, contact the LTS Help Desk (610-758-4357 or helpdesk@lehigh.edu).
How do I get updates to future versions of MS Office?
Once you have installed MS Office from the Office 365 site your computer device will be automatically updated to the latest version of the software when it becomes available. It is not necessary to manually download and install new versions.
I'm getting a message "unlicensed product" or other Microsoft Office application error.
Try running the Microsoft Support and Recovery Assistant (downloadable).
I'm a student setting up my device to come to Lehigh. What's the difference between the Office365 account and the account I use to set up my device on Windows?
For laptops running Windows 11 it is necessary to have a Microsoft account in order to setup and sign into the laptop. The Microsoft account provided by the University is a work/school account which is
different from a personal account. For your laptop setup, it will be necessary to use a personal Microsoft account, to set it up and sign-in purposes.
The Microsoft account provided by Lehigh is used to access Office 365 and Lehigh OneDrive space. Once you have the new laptop set up with the personal Microsoft account you can follow the instructions for activating the Lehigh Microsoft account and get Office 365 installed and activated.
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