Azure Dev Tools for Teaching

Azure Dev Tools for Teaching

Azure Dev Tools for Teaching is a service that provides access to a variety of Microsoft software for learning, teaching and research purposes. This software includes developer and designer tools, servers and applications, as well as training and certifications. Imagine access is available to all current students and faculty. 

  • Access to the Microsoft software downloads is thru the Education Hub on the Azure Portal.   In order to log into the Azure Portal, you will use your Lehigh email and password.

Login to Azure Dev Tools for Teaching 

Microsoft provides software to students and faculty through this service free of charge.  Frequently asked questions are below.

What is 'Azure Dev Tools for Teaching'?

Azure Dev Tools for Teaching is a service that provides access to a variety of Microsoft software for learning, teaching and research purposes. This software includes developer and designer tools, servers and applications, as well as training and certifications.

Who is eligible for the service?

All currently enrolled Lehigh students and current faculty are eligible to utilize the service.

Are Lehigh staff members eligible?

No, eligibility is limited to current students and faculty.

How do I access the service?

Access the service at: https://azureforeducation.microsoft.com/devtools    Si
with your Lehigh username and password

Is Microsoft Windows available through Azure Dev Tools for Teaching?

Yes, the Education version of Windows 10 or 11 is available. 

Are there any limitations on what computers these versions of Windows can be installed on?

The versions of Windows available are full versions and can be installed on any computer. There is no requirement that the computer had to have Windows on it previously.

How can Windows be installed and used on a Mac?

There are 3rd party applications available also allow Windows to run on a Mac, they include VMware and Parallels.

How many downloads of the software are available to a student?

Microsoft only provides a single product key for each software package. You may download the ISO media as many times as needed, but the product key will only activate once on a computer.

Can I get a copy of the product key for software I previously obtained through 'Imagine'?

Yes, if you log into the Education Hub on the Azure Portal you can view the product keys of any software you had previously downloaded.

Does Microsoft impose any limitations on the way students or faculty use the software acquired through the service?

Microsoft states that the software is to be only used to get ahead in school, develop new skills and take steps in research in science, technology, engineering or mathematics. 

There are no related labels.

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