Subscribe to Adobe Creative Cloud All Apps from LTS

Subscribe to Adobe Creative Cloud All Apps from LTS

Product Offered

“Creative Cloud All Apps - 100GB”


Library and Technology Services (LTS) provides, supports and administers subscription licenses for the above-listed product offerings. These Named User Licenses (NUL) are assigned to a Lehigh user account, and are usable by the user on any device where the software is installed. For groups of users, such as a department, their licenses can be reassigned to other users to reflect need or staffing changes, licenses are not permanent to a specific user. Users may activate their assigned license on up to two computers at any one time, and subsequent activations provide an easy prompt to deactivate previous computers there is no need to go back and deactivate (no more lost licenses). All subscriptions through LTS are synchronized with its annual purchasing agreement, which runs from August of the current year through August of the following year. Renewals and new subscriptions in August are for the entire year (12 month) period. License availability after August are subject to availability as LTS must purchase its stock in multiples of fifty licenses. In most cases there will be licenses available, but it difficult to guarantee availability.

LTS-Supported License Subscriptions

Adobe Creative Cloud Named User License (NUL) subscriptions are the only licensing model that LTS will support. LTS can not install or support any Adobe software that is not a Named User License managed within our Adobe Admin Console.

To find out more about LTS’ Adobe Creative Cloud Named User Licensing program, or to sign up for a license, contact your Computing Consultant, or submit a ticket at lehigh.edu/help.

Purchasing Details

Students: If a student is enrolled in a course where Adobe is required, they will be enrolled automatically if a request is submitted by the professor.  For students who need a license for a special project or group, a professor will need to sponsor the student.  A request needs to be submitted through the Help Desk at lehigh.edu/help

Staff/Faculty:  Full year (12 mo) pricing is $100 a year beginning August 1, 2023.  For those who request an account during the year, a prorated amount will be charged based on the following dates (Requested between August 1 - December 31,  $100, January 1 - July 31 $50).  For comparison, paying directly to Adobe for the same subscription will cost your department $29.99 user/mo x 12 mo = $359.88 user/year + PA Sales Tax.

Departmental acquisitions of any quantity will need to provide the following information before licenses are assigned to your staff or faculty 

  1. The 6-digit Lehigh Index Number to be billed.
  2. Authorization from that account's Authorized Signer.
  3. A verified list of Lehigh personal account usernames that will have Named User Licenses assigned to them.¹ ²

¹ Temporary ("x*") and vendor accounts cannot be assigned a license due to how the Federated ID authentication system functions.
² Use of departmental information ("in*") accounts is not allowed as well.

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For immediate help, contact the LTS Help Desk (Hours)
EWFM Library | Call: 610-758-4357 (8-HELP) | Text: 610-616-5910 | Chat | helpdesk@lehigh.edu
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