MalwareBytes FAQ

MalwareBytes FAQ

MalwareBytes is a security tool installed on Lehigh-owned computers that monitors systems for various classes of "malware" other than viruses.

Does Malwarebytes Anti-Malware replace my other anti-virus packages (i.e. Avast)?

Malwarebytes Anti-Malware is not meant to be a replacement for antivirus software. Malwarebytes Anti-Malware is a complementary but essential program which detects and removes zero-day malware and "Malware in the Wild". This includes malicious programs and files, such as virus droppers, worms, trojans, rootkits, dialers, spyware, and rogue applications that many antivirus programs do not detect or cannot fully remove. That being said, there are many infections that Malwarebytes Anti-Malware does not detect or remove which any antivirus software will, such as file infectors. It is important to note that Malwarebytes Anti-Malware works well and should run alongside antivirus software without conflicts.

Can I run Malwarebytes as the only virus protection on my computer?

It is not recommended to run Malwarebytes as the only virus protection on your computer. While Malwarebytes does have some unique features that current antivirus packages lack (i.e. malicious web site blocking) it does not have all the protection features of a regular anti-virus package. It works best when installed along with our currently supported anti-virus package; Avast.

What does it mean that Malwarebytes is a managed client?

A managed client is a special version of Malwarebytes that receives updates, and reports infections to a central server on site at Lehigh. Updated virus signatures and program updates are deployed from the central server to individual PCs that have the managed client installed. When a virus is detected on an individual PC it is reported to the central server.

If I have Malwarebytes installed on my laptop and am away from Lehigh's network will I still get updates?

Yes, as long as your computer has an Internet connection. Malwarebytes will first attempt to get updates from the Lehigh central server and then if it find its unavailable it will get updates from the Malwarebytes commercial central server.

I can't tell if Malwarebytes is installed, there is no icon in the system tray.

With the managed client version of Malwarebytes there is a system tray icon that shows up. You can also tell if Malwarebytes is installed by right-clicking on your C: drive and looking for "Scan with Malwarebytes" in the context menu.

How do I get Malwarebytes installed on my computer?

Malwarebytes is automatically deployed to Windows 10 PCs which are in Active Directory. For PCs not in active directory, contact your Computing Consultant to arrange to have it installed.

Is there a Mac or Linux version of Malwarebytes available?

No, Malwarebytes is only available for Windows computers.

Can I run Malwarebytes on a personally-owned computer?

Lehigh's version of Malwarebytes is only licensed for use on Lehigh-owned computers. However, Malwarebytes is available as both a free version and premium version directly through the Malwarebytes website.

What does it mean when I get an alert about a "Blocked Web site"?

This message will appear when the Malwarebytes web protection blocks a program or your browser from accessing an IP address or known suspicious domain that their research has found to contain malicious content. The list of blocked IP addresses is maintained by Malwarebytes and is constantly updated. Sometimes the blocked web site is triggered by a banner ad that is being hosted on another site, separate from the website you attempted to access. In these cases the site will eventually become unblocked when the banner ad is removed.

In the event of a blocked web site nothings needs to be done, the Malwarebytes protection has blocked the threat from infecting your computer.

How do I scan a file, folder or drive with Malwarebytes?

Users can scan individual files, folders or drives by utilizing the the right-click context scan option. Open up Windows Explorer and select a file, folder or drive, then right-click on your selection. Choose the "Scan with Malwarebytes" option. This will invoke the Malwarebytes scan, once the scan is done the results will appear in a pop-up window.

What do I do if Malwarebytes detects a virus?

In most cases when you receive a notification from Malwarebytes regarding a virus it will be to inform you that a threat was detected and quarantined. No further action will be necessary on your part. However, if you start receiving repeated notifications or a notice that a threat could not be quarantined or removed you should contact your Computing Consultant.

What are the "PUP" detections, are they threats and should they be deleted?

PUP detections are Potentially Unwanted Programs. These are programs that the Malwarebytes researchers have found to be installed on computers without the user's knowledge or consent. In most cases they do not pose a problem. The default action for PUP detections is to show in the results list, but not remove it. If you have a question or concern about a specific program flagged as PUP contact your Computing Consultant.

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