Microsoft OneDrive

Microsoft OneDrive

Microsoft offers OneDrive cloud storage for Lehigh users. OneDrive for Business, also referred to as Lehigh OneDrive, is a personal document library intended for storing and organizing your documents and other files. OneDrive is part of your Lehigh Office 365 account. When you use a web browser to access Lehigh OneDrive, you can create and edit Microsoft Office documents (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, OneNote, etc.) without actually having Office installed on your computer. You can access your Lehigh OneDrive files from anywhere. You can also choose to share files with others within the University.  For sharing outside Lehigh, please submit a new help request explaining your usage requirement.

Storage Space Quota

All Lehigh users have a quota for Lehigh OneDrive based on your role. Within your Lehigh OneDrive space there is a limit of 20,000 files and/or folders. Individual file sizes can be up to 10GB in size.

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