MATLAB Grader is a browser-based authoring environment for creating and sharing MATLAB coding problems and assessments. The tool is integrated with Course Site so that coding problems can be inserted into a course simply by adding them using Course Site's activity picker. You do not need a MathWorks account in order to use the tool, however it is required if you want to add problems from your own MathWorks/MATLAB collection.

Add a MATLAB Coding Problem in Course Site

  1. In Course Site, go to the course you want to add a MATLAB coding problem to.
  2. Turn editing on.
  3. Select Add an Activity or Resource.
  4. Select "MATLAB Coding Problem". Click Add.
  5. Fill out activity name and any other desired settings.
  6. Click Save and display.
  7. Course Site launches the MATLAB Grader interface for copying and creating content.

You can create a new coding problem or select a problem from your available collections or courses.

Add a Problem

When you select Add Problem, you can choose among the following options for creating the problem:

  • Blank Problem: Author a new problem. You can choose either a function-based or script-based approach.
  • Getting Started with MATLAB Grader and Introduction to Programming: Copy sample problems authored by MathWorks and adapt it for your course or collection. These coding problems illustrate good practices for writing problems and creating assessments.
  • MATLAB Grader Courses and Collections: Copy problems currently in your MathWorks list of courses and collections, and modify as necessary. These could be problems you have coded yourself, copied from existing problems, been given access to by another instructor, or from another course course. To access a coding problem from your collection in Course Site, you must first link your MathWorks Account. 

Link MathWorks Account to MATLAB Grader 

When adding problems to your course, you have access to any coding problems you have already created in MATLAB Grader.

To access these problems, link your MathWorks Account to your course in Course Site. You can find this link at the bottom of the Add Problem page.


Currently, MATLAB Grader only provides problem-level scoring - it does not support multi-problem assignment level scoring.  One workaround for this is to and use the gradebook setup in Course Site to aggregate the scores from multiple problems and assign your own points/rubrics at an assignment level. You can learn more about configuring your Course Site gradebook here: Course Site - Gradebook

Further Training & Documentation

For more information on creating problems and assessments with MATLAB Grader, please see the documentation on the MathWorks site:

Lehigh users also have access to the MATLAB Academic Online Training Suite (MAOTS). This includes ALL of the courses found at

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