Student Edition: Install Mathematica

Student Edition: Install Mathematica

Student Editions of Mathematica are assigned to specific courses each semester. Contact your faculty to see if your course has a license.

All students can access Mathematica via LUapps

Faculty/staff can install Mathematica locally by following different steps

Follow these instructions to install Mathematica locally onto a personal computer.  While the following steps are shown on a Mac, the Windows process is nearly identical.

1. Go to the Software Page for Mathematica, select Mathematica Student License, and click the green button to download the installer

2. Double-click on the downloaded file (.dmg on Mac, .iso on Windows) to open the Download Manager.  Accept the security notification, confirm the download location, and click 'Next.'

3. The download will start, and may take several minutes depending on your connection speed.  When the download is complete, click 'Launch' to open the installation window.

4. Follow the on screen instructions. Click 'Continue' and enter your password for your computer to allow the installation.

5. In the next window, drag the Mathematica icon into the Applications folder.  Then, double-click on the WolframScript.pkg icon.  Enter your Mac computer’s password when prompted to complete the installation.

6. Open your computer’s Applications folder and double click Mathematica to run the application.  (Find it under the Start menu on a Windows system).

7. When you run Mathematica for the first time, you will be prompted to Activate your product

8. Enter your key you received by email

9. You should now be able to access Mathematica on your computer

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