Faculty: Sharing Panopto Videos in Course Site
Professors: If you have provisioned your course for Panopto from course site, your videos will automatically be made available to your students in the Panopto block on your course if you have added to your Panopto course folder. By default, Students have view only access. As a best practice, you should always log into Panopto from course site by clicking on course settings.
To move or delete your Panopto videos from your class folder, please see this link.
Although not the preferred method for faculty, you can log into Panopto website directly. Go to go.lehigh.edu/Panopto OR https://lehighonline.hosted.panopto.com and login to Panopto via Course Site. You will need to log in using your Lehigh credentials.
User must have the correct permissions to view your video. If your video is in your provisioned course folder, students will have the proper permissions and they will need to sign into your course to view.
Make Videos Available as a WebLink
Anyone can share Panopto videos outside of course site or in multiple courses by using a URL. Please be advised that you should review WHO HAS ACCESS to the link you are trying to share.
Helpful Information about sharing folders and giving others access rights:
If you are using the default Panopto course folder for your course site, your students should have access automatically.
To share video, keep Panopto browser window open. (If you accidentally closed, click the “Course Settings” link in Panopto block. Close the recording settings window.)
You can now add a link to your new video in your course as needed.
- Hover your mouse over the video you wish to edit.
- Click on Share.
- Copy the link listed. (COPY -highlight link & CTRL C)
- Return to your course in course site window.
- Turn editing on if required.
- Go to the topic or section of the course that you would like to add your video to.
- Select Add URL resource.
- Name your video link.
- Paste URL. (PASTE highlight link & CTRL V)
- Leave settings at default.
- Click save and display.