Troubleshooting: My Videos From a Previous Semester Appear Missing

Troubleshooting: My Videos From a Previous Semester Appear Missing

When you provision your course for Panopto through Course Site it assigns specific roles based off of course site roles. While this makes for a seamless process during the runtime of your course it can cause confusion when your course is archived.

Courses are archived after two years.

A common occurrence when courses are archived is the appearance that your videos no longer exist, this is due to the access to the folder is being pushed through Course Site roles.

For example, the Course Site Teacher role receivers Panopto Publisher and Creator roles by default. The Course Site Student role is automatically assigned the Panopto Viewer role:


While it looks like Panopto is setting the roles as “dhj210 has publishing rights… cah317 has creator rights… x04a21 only has viewer rights” It is actually using them as groups to gives access to access rights to the folder:


So when the course is archived Panopto can no longer see the course to pull the roster/relevant roles over, thus cutting the instructor’s tie to the Panopto location.

Our suggestion is to move the videos that you want to reuse from semester to semester over to the new Course folder as soon as it’s created. Here is our documentation on how to move videos in Panopto.

If you aren’t teaching the course in concurrent semesters you can create a folder within “My Folder” in Panopto for the course and move your videos there.

Or you could go into your course folder and give your account creator rights to the course folder in Panopto:


Here is our documentation on share settings within Panopto.

If your course has already been archived but you need to access videos from it please open a ticket with the instructional technology team at help.lehigh.edu. In your ticket please include the course name, section number and semester taught as well as the new course that should own the videos.

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