LastPass FAQ

Brief description of the service and overview of purpose of Q&A

Can Lehigh access or retrieve the information I store in LastPass?

With the exception of shared folders (i.e. passwords you have specifically chosen to share or have shared with you), no one else at Lehigh can see your credentials (usernames and passwords). Passwords stored in LastPass are encrypted—even staff cannot see them.

What if I already use LastPass personally?

Within the LastPass browser extension, you have the option to link your personal account to your Business account. This does not merge the accounts, but instead makes your personal vault visible within your Business vault. If you login with your personal account Master Password, you will only see your personal account information. If you login into your Business account you will see your Business account information, as well as another section containing your personal account vault. For more information on linking accounts, visit the LastPass website.

What happens to my LastPass account if I leave Lehigh?

When you leave the University, you will no longer have access to the passwords stored in your Business account, and your personal account will be unlinked from your Business account. You will continue to have access to the contents of your personal/Premium vaults.

What happens when the LastPass website is down? Can I still log in? 

If you are logging in via the LastPass browser extension, it will automatically switch to offline mode, and you'll still be able to view your stored data.

What if I’m already using a different password manager?

If you are using a different password manager for your personal passwords, you can continue to use it. For work-related passwords, please use LastPass. One option is to use one browser for personal use and one for business use, and to only put the LastPass extension on the business computer.

What kind of account should I use? (Business, Premium, or Families accounts)

LastPass Free
Do not use to store passwords used to conduct University business.

LastPass Business
Faculty and staff should use this product to store passwords used to conduct University business.

LastPass Premium
Students, faculty, and staff should use this version to store personal passwords.

What else can LastPass do?

Security challenge
Check out the LastPass "Security Challenge" to get your personal security score. This score is based on many factors, such as if you reuse passwords or if any of your accounts have been involved in a breach. Use this feature to learn how to improve your password security and improve your score.

Secure notes
Store notes and pictures with the same security it uses for passwords. Use LastPass to store important travel documents or itineraries, emergency contact information, or financial information.

Online shopping
Store all of your credit cards and autofill that information for an easy and quick online shopping experience.

Phishing protection
When you're logged into LastPass and you visit a website, LastPass will autofill passwords. But what if the link and page look real, but it's actually fake? LastPass won't be fooled, and it's an excellent way for you to spot fake websites.

How do I get help?

For Faculty/Staff contact the Help Desk at:
  610-758-HELP (4357) or

For LastPass for Students, contact LastPass for support:
  24/7 LastPass Support Center (self-help articles, videos, and additional resources)
  LastPass Community (crowd-sourced support)
  Submit a case to LastPass Support

Training resource

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For immediate help, contact the LTS Help Desk (Hours)
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