LastPass for Students

Students may register for a LastPass personal Premium account to store personal passwords. Personal accounts must be registered with non-Lehigh email addresses. 

  • The LastPass Premium account is not managed by Lehigh.
  • Support is available directly from LastPass
  • If you already have a free personal LastPass account it can be upgraded to Premium using the instructions below

To create a new LastPass personal Premium account:

  1. Visit the Lehigh LastPass Portal at
  2. Enter your Lehigh email address, as well as a personal email address, and click Submit.  
    1. The University will not have access to any of the information stored in your personal account. Your email address is required in the top only so that LastPass can confirm your status as a Lehigh student.
    2. The personal email address you supply should NOT be your Lehigh email address; as this account is not administered by Lehigh you must provide LastPass with the personal email address you want associated with your LastPass Premium account.
  3. Next, you will see a “congratulations” notification. 
  4. You will then receive a confirmation email in your Lehigh University email inbox. Click the Create My Account or Upgrade my Account link; which you see will depend on whether the personal email used is linked to an existing LastPass account.


  • Annual Renewal
    Each year you will receive a email from Lastpass to your Lehigh Gmail account with a link to renew Lastpass Premium for another year.   
  • Renewal After Graduation
    After graduating Lehigh you will no longer have access to your email account.   You can continue to renew your LastPass Premium benefit by registering for an account.  You can then use the Lehigh Alumni email account to claim the LastPass Premium benefit using the instructions above. 
  • Non-Renewal of LastPass Premium
    If do not renew your LastPass Premium benefit your LastPass account will revert to a free account.  Your account will not be deleted and no data will be lost, but you will lose all the Premium benefits.   

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