Jira projects use the standard default project management workflow (both the Jira software and Jira Work Management projects)

To do or backlog - Work that needs to be completed as part of this project that has not yet been started.

Planned - Work that a team has committed to completing for a specific iteration. Iterations can be anywhere from 1 - 4 weeks. Planned tasks should contain the near term high priority work for your team.

In progress - Work that is actively being worked. If the individual or team that is assigned a task has not actively worked a task for more than 2 days then it should not be in progress. Consider moving it back to the To do/backlog OR to stalled if there is a dependency on an external team or an obstacle that needs to be removed.

Stalled - Work that cannot continue without action from somebody external to the team or without an obstacle being removed. It is the responsibility of the project manager to take the appropriate actions to ensure items move from stalled.

Done - Work that has been completed and meets the agreed to definition of done. The board view of a project will only show items that have been marked as Done for 2 weeks before those items are archived.

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