Google Assignments
Google Assignments allows you to review and grade google files from within Course Site.
The Google assignments tool enables you to accept any google drive file type submissions, annotate, provide richer feedback using comment banks, promote collaboration, and give a grade that is associated with your course site grade book.
PLEASE NOTE: You and your students must use your Lehigh Google Account for Google Assignments to work properly and you should only sign into one google account instance at a time in your browser. Also, Course Site Groups will not work with Google Assignments.
- Add a Google Assignment to Course Site
- How to add Comments to Google Assignments
- How to give a grade in Google Assignments
- How to add another grader to your Google Assignments
- Student Directions on how to use Google Assignments
- Peer Review Workflow
- Originality Reports in Google Assignments
- Rubrics Integrated in Google Assignments
- Trouble Shooting Google Assignments
- Google File Embed Tool
- Re-Linking/Resubmit Google Assignments
- Remove Students in Google Assignments Roster
Assignments Home Page:
Additional Help Materials:
Recorded Meeting (10/11/18) Explaining the Basics of Google Assignments (formerly called Course Kit) from Google Developers
Google for Education Privacy Settings
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