

Course Site allows faculty to create assignments that require students to submit various types of digital content (i.e., Word documents, PDFs, Excel, Powerpoint, etc.) or to type directly into a text box for a short text-based task. Student work is only visible to the teacher (or those with grading privileges such as TAs), other students are not able to view each other's work unless you are using group submissions. Submitted assignments can then be downloaded by the faculty and grades/feedback can be added directly to Course Site. Assignments are automatically added and synched to the grade book. 

The Assignment activity has many components, but only a few important settings and features will be highlighted in this documentation. For more complete information about Moodle assignments, please see the 4.4 Documentation.

To see specific information about a setting or option while creating or editing an Assignment, click on the help icon, which is the circled grey question mark located to the right of most items.

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