Course Site Roles and Permissions Explained

Course Site roles provide rights and permissions to individuals participating in a course or group site.  Below you will find the specific information pertaining to the roles available within Course Site. Note: multiple roles can be assigned to individuals to provide additional site abilities. 

Academic Course Related Roles

See this page for HOW to add or change a role.


Teachers in a course have the most rights and permissions in a course.  Teachers are automatically assigned to courses based on Banner instructor information. This role allows ownership and content management of the course and includes adding users with roles including teacher, TA, course builder, librarian, inres and grader.  Teachers do not need to add students to courses.  Students are enrolled in course sites based on their registrations through Banner for academic courses.


The TA role is for teaching assistants within a course.  Teachers can assign this role to individuals that require the ability to work with the teacher on activity and content management in the course.  TAs also have the ability to access and grade content contributed by students.  TAs do not have the ability to assign roles to other individuals within the course.

Course Builder

The Course Builder role is intended for individuals that are as