Course Site course Lifecycle

Course Site course Lifecycle

The lifecycle of a course site course starts when you request the course for the upcoming semester. You can request your academic course at any time at go.lehigh.edu/csrequest.

Before the Semester

When requesting your course there are different types of setups for your course site. You can request an individual course section, create one main course with multiple section or rosters added, or do a combination of both. Here’s a diagram to show the various types:

If the content and assignments are the same for all sections, but due at different times - you can use course site groups and create one main course. However, If you plan to offer entirely different assignments or content for each section, it may be easier to set up multiple smaller courses based on sections.

You will be notified when your course is created via email. It will be hidden from students, but visible to you.


How to find my course?

Over the life cycle of your course you will be able to find it using different filters.

Before the Semester

During the Semester

After the Semester

Before the Semester

During the Semester

After the Semester


When requested before the start of the semester, you will find your course in the “Future” filter on your dashboard.

Once the course officially starts you will find it in the “In Progress” filter on your dashboard.

At the end of the semester your course will still be available to you in the “Past” filter on your dashboard but it will become unavailable to students during the week leading up to the start of the next semester.

If a student needs to regain access to your course for any reason, put in a ticket with the instructional technology team and include the students’ name, course name, and duration of access.

Access to Courses

Faculty have access to the most recent courses they have taught. You can add another faculty or staff member to a course to review. Faculty can’t add students to courses, students must officially register or be granted temporary access by a course site administrator.

Users must have a Lehigh email and login to access Course Site.

Archival and Back-up of Courses

Courses are securely stored and archived after approximately 18 months to keep the activity used courses fast and responsive. Courses can be readily un-archived by the professor (s) who taught the course by submitting a ticket to the instructional technology team. Please include the course title, the semester the course was taught, and for how long you would like access. You can then copy the content to another course or download the files to your computer as needed.

Course data is automatically backed up and preserved for up to seven years.


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