Adding (Enrolling) a TRAC Fellow to a Course Site course

Faculty can add TRAC Fellows to their courses by following the instructions in the link below (choose 'TRAC Fellow' from the Assign role drop down).

Please note that the TRAC Fellow role will be able to view and download assignment submissions.  In addition, the TRAC Fellow role will have access to view/assign grades to assignment submissions.  Fellows WILL NOT have access to the full gradebook, only to the grading matrix of individual assignments.  In order for Fellows to have access to course site assignments (trac fellow role will not work with Google Assignments and Turnitin Assignments), the role must have access to the grading matrix. 

If you do not feel comfortable utilizing this role, your TRAC Fellows will have to find a workaround to receive, and comment on, student submissions outside of Course SIte.

Adding (Enrolling) People to a Course Site Course

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