Setting your preferred theme from your Course Site user preferences
What is a theme? A theme controls the overall look and feel of a website/application such as Course Site. It is the interaction layer often referred to as the user interface. A theme can make a massive difference regarding the intuitiveness and efficiency of navigating the system.
We strongly recommend you keep your default theme to Boost. Below are the steps to switch your theme.
Step-by-step guide to setting your theme
Log in to Course Site, then locate the user menu at the top-right corner of the screen. Click anywhere on your name, icon, or carrot to reveal the menu.
From the user menu that appears, click Preferences.
This will bring you to your Preferences page. Under the User account fieldset, select Edit profile.
Scroll down until you see the Preferred theme setting. Click to expand the options menu and select Boost.
Scroll down and click the Update profile button to save your changes.
Now when you visit your dashboard and other courses/pages around the system, you will be able to experience a much more modern and clean interface.