Using Email (Quickmail)
The Quickmail block is in your course. Only instructors/site leaders can add the Quickmail block to a course.
Locate the Quickmail block to your course
Sending Email with Quickmail
Quickmail for Students
Locate the Quickmail block to your course
1) Open the right slide-out panel to access your blocks
2) If you intend to allow students to use Quickmail to email fellow students, click on the "Configuration" link to set this permission. On the next page, select the dropdown "yes" to "Allow Students to use Quickmail" and then scroll to the bottom and click "save preferences".
Sending Emails with Quickmail
Text Instructions
1. Click on the link, Compose Course Message in the block named Quickmail.
2. Add the names to the To list - You may add recipients based on role in the course, group memberships (if created), or individually.
3. Enter the Subject and the Body text and an attachment if desired.
4. If you would like to receive a send report of the email, choose Yes for Receive a send report:.
5. Send the email - Click on the Send Message button. After clicking send, your message will be queued for immediate delivery (messages are picked up every minute), and you should see "message sent".
Quickmail for Students
Not every course will have email enabled for students. After your teacher enables email for students, you will see a block on your course page in the right slide-out panel named, Quickmail. If you do not see this block, your teacher has not enabled email for students for that course.
To send email from Course SIte:
Click on the link, " Compose Course Message" in the block named Quickmail.
1. In the To field, Select the names of the people to receive your email - In the drop down, you will see several different ways to choose recipients.
- Role filter - The first method allows you to filter potential recipients by role.
- Recipient(s), which lists everyone on the course who can receive email. You can select individual names from this list.
2. Optionally, you can upload a file to attach to the email.
3. Enter the Subject and the Body text
4. If you would like to receive a send report of the email, choose Yes for send report