The Feedback activity in Course Site allows you to create and distribute surveys to collect feedback from students.
Read on for Tips on what questions to ask and Instructions for setting up a Feedback activity.
Tips on Questions to ask when Teaching Online
At the end of the first or second week of teaching online - and again every two weeks or so - ask students a few brief questions about how the course is going for them.
Here are some recommended questions (pick two or three that best get at what you want to learn):
- How much of the online coursework have you been able to complete? (use 'multiple choice' for your question type: none | some | most | all)
- Of the online tools and approaches I am using, which have you found most helpful? Which have been less helpful? (use 'longer text answer' for your question type)
- Of the online tools and approaches I am using, which have you found easiest to use? Which have been most difficult to use? (use 'longer text answer')
- We're just getting started, but do you have any feedback for me about our transition to online teaching and learning? (use 'longer text answer' for your question type)
- Do you have any specific suggestions about things I could do to improve your experience learning online? (use 'longer text answer' for your question type)
- Are there specific things other faculty are doing that you find helpful and that you think would be helpful for us to use in our class as well? (use 'longer text answer' for your question type)
Always circle back to students with a summary of what you have learned from the feedback. If you hear a good idea that works for your course, let them know. If you hear a common request that you cannot accommodate, briefly explain why you need to keep things the way they are. What's most important is that they know you have read their input and are genuinely willing to consider modifications.
Read on for instructions on setting up a Course Site Feedback activity.
If you are more comfortable working with Google Forms, you could use that tool instead for the same purpose, though outside your Course Site course, just be sure to include a link in your Course Site course. General help with Google for Education
Create the Feedback Activity:
Turn on Edit mode, click Add an activity or resource list, then choose, Feedback.
Name it, add a description, optionally set display and availability parameters, scroll down and choose, Save and Display.
The default setting is to collect responses anonymously. If you want to collect usernames, change the appropriate Question and submission setting.
Add the Questions:
Click the Edit questions button, choose the question type, add the question text, and choose options as needed, save each question before adding another.
View the responses:
Click on the activity, then click Responses.
For more information about the Feedback activity, please visit Moodle 4.4 Docs.
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