Peer Review Workflow

Google Assignments doesn’t currently have a peer review tool. However, you can create a peer review workflow by: 

  1. Ask your students to start their assignments in Google Docs.
  2. Tell students to share their files with their peer reviewers.
  3. The peer reviewer leaves margin comments and suggestions in the Doc.
  4. Students then turn in their Google assignments, leaving their peers' comments and suggestions visible.
  5. Grade the assignments. Optionally, you can record a separate peer reviewer grade in a parallel gradebook column in your learning management system.

Additional Tools:

Course Site has a tool called Workshop (4.4 Moodle Documentation). Workshop allows for anonymity and a workflow with specific rubrics.  A grade must be associated with student feedback. This means that you must evaluate the quality and assign a grade to how well the students evaluated their peers.  If you want a less formal process, Google Assignments is recommended. 

Turnitin has a tool called PeerMark (Vendor Documentation).

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