Originality Reports in Google Assignments
Either a Student or a Professor can review an originality report that is generated when the papers or presentations are uploaded to Google Assignments. The report compares the uploaded paper to text found on the web and flags passages that do not look to be original. This tool is particularly useful for learning how to cite passages properly. More about how Originality Reports are created. To date, Originality Reports does not detect AI-generated text.
Please note that student work is not currently stored or compared against a database of other papers so Google Assignments originality analysis does not function quite like Turn it in.
If you are the professor of record, you will have access to unlimited originality reports for your course. Professfors are granted access to Google's teaching and learning functionality based on their role.
Faculty must turn on the Originality Reports
If you have not already added a google assignment, first see how to add a Google Assignment to Course Site.
For more information on how to turn on originality reports: https://support.google.com/edu/assignments/answer/9369242?hl=en
Then students can check before they submit
For more information on how to run an originality report as a student: https://support.google.com/edu/assignments/answer/9369384
AND Faculty can review after a student submits
Give Feedback to Google on Originality Reports
School Matches
Lehigh has school matches activated and the report will also check against other student submissions in the Lehigh repository.
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