Windows: Install the Keeper Desktop Client

Windows: Install the Keeper Desktop Client

Follow the steps below to install the Keeper desktop client onto a Windows PC. (click the images to enlarge)

1.  In a web browser, navigate to https://www.keepersecurity.com/download.html, and click the 'Download' button. 

This will download the appropriate installer for your system.

2.  Run the Installer 

On your system, navigate to your Downloads location (e.g. c:\users\<your username>\Downloads), and double-click the "KeeperPasswordManager.appinstaller" file.

When the installer window opens, click 'Install'.

3.  Log into Keeper via Lehigh SSO and Duo, and start the app.

  1. The Keeper app will launch after installation, click 'Login',
  2. Next, enter your email address if it's not already there, and click 'Next'.
  3. A Lehigh SSO authentication window will open.  Enter your Lehigh credentials and click 'Login', and complete the Duo 2FA process.
  4. When authentication finishes, the web browser will tell you to close the tab.
  5. Last, the application will open, and invite you to import passwords, or install browser extensions.

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