FAQ: Faculty/Staff Voicemail
How do I check my messages from my phone?
Pick up your handset and press one of the keys with the cassette tape icon to connect to the voice mail system. When prompted, enter your ID (your 5-digit extension) followed by #, and your PIN followed by #. When you reach the Main Menu, PRESS 1 to listen to your messages.
How do I check my messages when I'm away from my phone?
DIAL 84444 (on-campus) or 610-758-4444 (off-campus). (You will hear the system prompt, "Hello, Cisco Unity Connection Messaging System.") Press the * key. When prompted, enter your ID (your 5-digit extension) followed by #, and your PIN followed by #. When you reach the Main Menu, PRESS 1 to listen to your messages.
What is my mailbox number?
For the majority of faculty and staff, your mailbox number is 8 followed by the last 4 digits of your phone number.
How do I change the greeting in my mailbox?
To change the standard greeting, simply enter your mailbox as you would to check your messages. To change the greeting, press 4-1.
How do I record a greeting to be played while I'm on vacation?
This type of greeting is called an "Alternate Greeting". To record a greeting of this type, simply enter your mailbox as you would to check your messages, then press 4-1-2 and follow the prompts to set an end time and record the alternate greeting. You can toggle between the standard and alternate greetings by pressing 4-1 from the main menu.
How do I change my PIN?
To change your PIN, enter your mailbox and at the main menu press 4-3-1. If you've forgotten your PIN, please contact the Help Desk at x.84357.
How do I find out when a message was sent to me?
While listening to a message, you can press # 9 to find out when it was sent. If the message was sent from another voice mail user's mailbox, this will also inform you who sent the message. If the message was sent from someone outside of Lehigh, this will also give you the telephone number of the calling party. Please note: If the calling party has blocked their information from Caller ID through their telephone carrier, their telephone number will not be available to you.
For immediate help, contact the LTS Help Desk (Hours)
EWFM Library | Call: 610-758-4357 (8-HELP) | Text: 610-616-5910 | Chat | helpdesk@lehigh.edu
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