Disability Accomodation

Telecommunications will be happy to provide, at no cost, any necessary telecommunications services and equipment to individuals with disabilities or special needs. For your convenience, we have listed some websites that you may find helpful. Please contact the LTS Help Desk at 610-758-4357 or email intel@lehigh.edu with your requirements or questions.

Lehigh University Disability Accommodation Process (LU Human Resources)

Lehigh University Support Services for Students with Disabilities (LU Student Affairs)

Americans with Disabilities Act (Maintained by the U. S. Department of Justice).

Harris Communications (Assistive Devices)

For immediate help, contact the LTS Help Desk (Hours)
EWFM Library | Call: 610-758-4357 (8-HELP) | Text: 610-616-5910 | Chat | helpdesk@lehigh.edu
Submit a help request (login required)