Twelve LTS Services Every Student Should Know

LTS Computing Accounts

LTS provides every student with a Lehigh Computer Account to access various secure resources. Each account consists of a 6-character username and password. This account provides access to various systems and services across campus, such as Course Site, Banner, wireless access, Microsoft Office, G Suite, email, public site computers and many others as well. View information about Lehigh Computing Accounts. Password changes and resets can be done on the LTS Account Services page at  

Campus Network (Wireless and Wired)

Lehigh maintains a high-speed connection to the Internet that employs multiple links and offers bandwidth ranging from 80-160Gbps. LTS provides students with a campus-wide secure wireless network that is available in nearly all buildings and residence halls on campus. The Lehigh wireless network is secured and requires logging in with your Lehigh username and password in order to connect to it. View wireless connection instructions (includes a list of which devices can and cannot connect to Lehigh wireless).  In addition to the wireless network, students who live in on-campus residence halls have the option to connect to the network using a wired network connection. Each room has a network connection for each student and requires a network cable and computer equipped with a network port in order to use. A wired network connection can provide a better performing and faster experience (up to 1Gbps). Please note the following: 

  • Wireless routers are prohibited in student rooms because of the interference they cause to Lehigh wireless.
  • Wireless printers are unable to connect to Lehigh’s secured wireless network. Students need to use a USB printer cable instead. Questions regarding Lehigh’s wireless and wired networks can be directed to (choose submit a ticket).

Lehigh Email (Gmail)

Each student is provided with a Lehigh email account ( address) that is powered by Gmail. This Lehigh Gmail account has a feature set largely identical to what is offered with a consumer Gmail account. Lehigh Gmail has superior SPAM filtering.  View our Gmail guide. The Lehigh email account will remain active for as long as a student is at Lehigh.  

Office Productivity Software (MS Office / G Suite)

Lehigh students are provided with two office productivity suites for use in doing their coursework, Lehigh Office 365 and Google G Suite.

  • A Lehigh Office 365 account allows students to download and install the latest version of Microsoft Office on up to 5 computers and 5 mobile devices. Students also have access to the online versions of the Office applications as well as 1TB of OneDrive for Business cloud storage space. The Office software will remain active for as long as a student is at Lehigh. View our Office 365 guide
  • G Suite is another office productivity suite provided to students with a host of apps similar to those offered in MS Office. All apps and work are done via a web browser, and documents and files are stored in Google Drive. G Suite apps can be accessed and used from any computer with an Internet connection. All students have access to G Suite as soon as they are provisioned their email account. Read about G Suite at Lehigh

Network and Cloud File Storage

Lehigh students have several options for storing their course-related files and papers and are given a generous amount of cloud/network storage space. 

  • Google Drive - Google Drive part of G Suite and is accessible from any computer with Internet access. Undergraduate Students have 25GB of storage. Graduate Students have 50GB of storage.
  • Dropbox. Students have free storage in our enterprise Dropbox. Enroll in Dropbox. 
  • OneDrive for Business - OneDrive for Business is part of the Office 365 suite and offers 25GB of cloud storage space to each student. Files stored in OneDrive are accessible from any computer with Internet access and can be accessed directly from within any MS Office app (Word, Excel, etc.).  
  • H: Drive  - Read about our H Drive, the common name for the 5GB of local network storage given to all students. Public site computers and LUapps are automatically configured to use the H: drive for storing files. The space is fast and convenient and is backed up daily by LTS. Students can, if they wish, install client software to access their H: Drive space on their own computers.  


Students at Lehigh have access to a large number of software titles needed for coursework:

  • The Lehigh Software page at is the central repository for all software used at the University. After logging in you will be able to see which titles are installable on your own computer and will be presented with download links and install instructions.  
  • Microsoft Azure Dev Tools for Teaching is a service that Microsoft makes available to all Lehigh students to provide them with Microsoft software applications free-of-charge in order to do their coursework. There are nearly two hundred titles available including MS Windows 10 and Visual Studio Pro. In order to access Lehigh Azure Dev Tools for Teaching you first must create an account. New students become eligible for Imagine on the first day of classes. Learn more about the Azure Dev Tools for Teaching.

HawkWatch App

The Lehigh Hawkwatch App is the official personal safety app developed for Lehigh University to provide essential, up-to-date information about what’s happening on campus. The app is available for both IOS and Android devices. Some of the main features of the app are:

  • Mobile Bluelight: Send your location to Lehigh University security in real-time in case of a crisis
  • Emergency Contacts: Contact the correct services for the Lehigh University area in case of an emergency or a non-emergency concern
  • Reporting a Tip: Multiple ways to report a safety/security concern directly to Lehigh University security
  • Safety notifications: Receive instant notifications and instructions from campus safety when on-campus emergencies occur
  • Emergency Plans: Learn what to do in case of an emergency
  • Chat with Security: Communicate live with safety staff at Lehigh University via chat
  • Campus safety resources: access all important safety resources in one convenient app
  • Bus tracker

LTS Computing Sites

LTS maintains many public site computer labs in various buildings across campus. Most computer labs provide access to PCs or Macs, printers, and areas for collaborative work and study. Some departmental computer labs are reserved for use by students and may have access to specialized software. 

Technology Help

  • LTS Help Desk - The Help Desk serves as the primary point of contact for LTS and provides Lehigh students with timely walkup, phone, email and online assistance. Contact the LTS Help Desk at
  • Student Technology and Repair Services (STARS) - STARS Provides technical support, troubleshooting, and consulting services to students and their personal computing devices. Troubleshooting OS problems, virus removal, data recovery and hardware troubleshooting are just some of the things STAR Services can assist you with.  Start at the LTS Help Desk for a STARS referral. 
  • Computer Repair Services (CRS)  - LTS has full-time computer repair technicians who can do repair work on recommended brand (Apple, Dell, Lenovo) computers. They can perform both in-warranty and out-of-warranty repairs on these brands. Students who have one of the recommended brands and have a hardware issue can simply bring it to the STARS Desk to have the repair process started. For further information on Computer Repair Services contact the LTS Help Desk. 


LTS provides and supports printers for student use at various public site labs and classrooms. Usage of these printers is charged on a cost per page basis. Each student is given a PaperCut account which tracks charges and usage. At the start of the Fall semester every PaperCut account is given a generous allotment that will typically cover the printing needs for the entire school year. Individuals who exceed this allotment can purchase additional pages whenever needed. Find out how to use Papercut and printing services

Coursework Tools

Students are provided with many tools in which to complete their coursework, two of the most used and most important are LUapps and Course Site. 

  • LUapps - Allows you to access software applications anytime, anywhere, and on any device! LUapps simplifies access to over 50 software titles from a laptop, desktop, tablet, or smartphone, and provides a more consistent user experience across Mac and Windows operating systems. To access LUapps, go to
  • Course Site  - Course Site (Moodle) is a Web-based learning management application, that is designed to support teaching and learning. Many professors use Course Site to deliver course work online. These interactions include distribution of course content, collaborating with classmates on projects, quizzes and assessments, assignment submissions, media streaming, etc.. Course Site can be accessed via

Remote Network Access (VPN)

The Lehigh VPN service provides a secure connection between your computer/device and the Lehigh network. When a VPN connection is made between a computer and the Lehigh VPN server, that computer essentially functions as if it were actually on-campus. Many LTS applications and services require that the computer be connected to the campus network in order to use, two examples would be LUapps and the Library databases. Using the Lehigh VPN allows those who are away, or live off-campus, to be able to access those services. 

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