VPN: Access the Lehigh Network from Off-campus

In order to access many University computer systems from off campus, you'll need to connect to them over the internet through our VPN (Virtual Private Network). The VPN server acts as a gatekeeper, granting access only to Lehigh users, and requires the use of a specific piece of client software: Cisco's AnyConnect Secure Mobility Client, which creates a secure tunnel through the Internet into Lehigh's network.

Also note that VPN access requires Duo Two-Factor Authentication, like many Lehigh systems.

Watch a video tutorial!

View a short video on how to install and use the Lehigh Cisco Secure Client VPN. 

Installation instructions:

Follow the installation instructions for your device:

The installation only has to be done once (aside from occasional updates to the software, which are automated).  Connections are temporary, and generally need to be re-made each time you reboot your machine.  Once you make the connection, you should be able to connect to any Lehigh websites or systems that normally require you to be on-campus to access them, including connecting to LAN storage drives (H:, I:, R:, J:), printers, or other systems based on the Lehigh LAN.

Additional Information:

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