COVID-19 and the Lehigh VPN

Note: was decommissioned for the Fall 2020 semester.  Use the 'Library/International' setting on for the 'full-tunnel' option needed for some Library resources and some international access.

To prepare for a significant increase in the number of students connecting to Lehigh resources from outside the United States, Library and Technology Services has created a special Virtual Private Network (VPN) called (COVID VPN) that will minimize network disruptions for international students while they continue their studies abroad. 

Most academic resources such as Email, Course Site and Zoom DO NOT require connecting to the VPN.  However, we are aware there have been challenges connecting to some services like Google applications in China, for example. In other cases, access to some library databases cannot be achieved with the standard Lehigh VPN. For these circumstances, we recommend that you connect to this special VPN by following the Lehigh VPN instructions, but enter in place of wherever it is noted.

Some countries and home internet service providers are unable to provide students the same performance and access you are accustomed to while on Lehigh’s campus. In general, if you find you have difficulty accessing the required resources while completing your course work, please use the COVID VPN instead of the standard Lehigh VPN.

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