LTS for CAS and COE at a Glance
Library and Technology Services for the College of Arts and Sciences and the College of Education, at a glance.
Step 1: Help Desk
Highly available via phone / walk-up / computer, they can assist with most issues, including creating requests for Tier 2 support (Consultants)
- Phone: 610-758-4357 (8-HELP on a campus phone)
- Text: 610-616-5910
- Chat
- Email:
- Walk-up: EWFM Library Lobby Help Desk Hours
- Web form and knowledge base search:
- If you can't find an answer in the knowledge base, click on "submit a Help Request"
- Selecting Contact LTS will result quickest response as multiple people are notified because we are often away from our desks assisting others.
Step 2: Request a Consultation or Specialized Requests
- If you know specifics about your issue (account-related, Course Site question, Classroom Support, etc.), you may select from the categories on the left. These tickets go to specialists in those areas. If you are unsure which one you need, Contact LTS is a great starting point as many people will see the question/issue.
- In the left navigation panel, there is an option for Consultants. This can be used to contact specialized groups in the following categories:
- Research
- Teaching & Learning
- Process Improvement
- Security & Privacy
- Library
- Special Collections
- Technology (custom application development, generative AI) consultations
- Computing Consultants can also help with purchasing, training (one-on-one or group), configuration, and in-depth issues regarding all LTS services.
CAS / COE Support Team Leader:
Denise Campion (dec308)
Computing Consultants: Desktop PC Support, Standard Lehigh software, computers, phones, etc.
Grant Hittinger (gah6)
Devin Jayetileke (djh210)
Chris Martin (cjm718)
Applied Systems: department-sponsored classrooms, laptop carts; research lab systems, anything ‘custom’ and ‘computerized’
Daniel Brashler (dab406)
Librarians: Course Materials, Library Projects, Research Instruction, Research Assistance:
Brian Simboli (brs4) – Sciences Librarian
Heather Simoneau (hms207) – Humanities Librarian
Elizabeth Young Miller (elm522) -- Social Sciences Librarian
Instructional Technology Consultants: CourseSite, Panopto, TurnItIn, LTS Classrooms, etc:
Judd Hark (wjh204)
Holly Zakos (hmz200)
Chris Harvey (cah317)
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For immediate help, contact the LTS Help Desk (Hours)
EWFM Library | Call: 610-758-4357 (8-HELP) | Text: 610-616-5910 | Chat |
Submit a help request (login required)