Visitor's guide to Library and Technology Services

Visitor's guide to Library and Technology Services

Lehigh University is a private educational and research institution, and the LTS services are intended primarily for the use of faculty, staff, and students of Lehigh. Researchers, government information users, and library visitors not affiliated with the University may use some of our resources and services. Generally, the Lehigh University computing facilities and resources are not available to visitors. Potential visitors to the Lehigh Libraries should also consider state-assisted libraries, such as public libraries and libraries of public academic institutions. These institutions may offer a broader range of services to local residents or visitors. For information about other libraries in the region, consult Lehigh's Regional Libraries page. Guidelines for visitors are outlined below

Library Locations & Collections

Visitors may use:

  • Government documents resources
  • Print collections. Some resources (e.g., reserve items) may require a form of identification.
  • ASA, Lehigh's online catalog and selected resources on the library web pages 
  • Microfilm/fiche readers (printing requires a Lehigh computing account) and scanners

Computing Facilities & Resources

Guest wireless access is available throughout campus. 

Library Research Services

Visitors may use help desk services. The help desk can provide information about services available to visitors, answer general questions about the facilities and collections, and can assist in locating specific items. Visitors may request specialized assistance with federal documents research. Visitors are encouraged to call before visiting campus to make sure that Lehigh's collections can meet their needs (610-758-4357). General research assistance for the government documents collections is available when the help desk is staffed.

Circulation & Document Delivery Services

Members of the Lehigh community (Lehigh University Faculty, Staff, and Students) use their Lehigh identification card to check out items that circulate (note that some materials, such as reference books and journals, may not be checked out by anyone--they may only be used in the Library). Visitors may have or may be able to obtain borrowing privileges, as follows:

  • Students who are currently enrolled in an LVAIC member institution may use their student ID card to check out up to 10 items at a time for a period of up to 28 days, for free.
  • Any other current high school, college, or university student may become a student member of the Friends of the Lehigh Libraries for one year by paying membership to the Friends; this includes borrowing privileges. Items may be checked out for a period of 28 days; there is no set limit on the number of items that may be checked out at one time.
  • All other visitors may become Friends of the Lehigh Libraries by paying the one-year membership fee; this includes borrowing privileges. Items may be checked out for a period of 28 days; there is no set limit on the number of items that may be checked out at one time.

Please be aware that borrowing privileges for visitors does not include ILL (interlibrary loan) or document delivery services, and does not permit the use of general Lehigh computing facilities. ILL services must be obtained through your home institution or local public library.  

Special Collections

Special Collections serves as the repository for the University's collections of rare books and manuscripts, and for holdings relating to its own history. Access to the Special Collections material is through the Bayer Galleria, on the third floor of the Linderman Library. Reading room hours are 1 p.m. to 5 p.m., Monday through Friday, except for University holidays. Researchers coming from a distance may make arrangements for longer access times. All persons, whether members of the University community or not, with a legitimate need to use materials in the collection, are welcome. Special Collections can be reached by email at inspc@lehigh.edu or by phone at (610)758-5185.

Abuse of Privileges

Monopolizing services or spaces, unauthorized use of restricted services or spaces, damage to the collections or facilities, vandalism, or other activities that compromise LTS services will result in curtailment of privileges.

Directions to the Lehigh Campus

LTS facilities are located in the Linderman Library and the Fairchild Martindale Library and Computing Center. Directions to the Lehigh campus are provided through Lehigh's home page.

Contacts in LTS

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For immediate help, contact the LTS Help Desk (Hours)
EWFM Library | Call: 610-758-4357 (8-HELP) | Text: 610-616-5910 | Chat | helpdesk@lehigh.edu
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