Improving Panopto Recorder Video Quality
In windows, Panopto has a few hidden settings that can improve the video quality for viewers and for the recording. You can even adjust brightness/contrast for the webcam if needed.
1) To adjust these settings go to the Settings Menu at the top of Panopto recorder.
2) Then click on the “Advanced Settings link” underneath “Create New Recording”
3) Once you are in the Advanced Settings window check the box for “Enable advanced device configuration” and “Enable custom quality settings”.
The enable device configuration will allow you to adjust the brightness of the webcam. The enable custom quality settings will allow you to increase the video resolution and bitrate to a higher level for the camera. Click “Save” when done.
4) To adjust the device configuration click the wrench icon to the right of the video dropdown box.
5) The device settings allow you to adjust the brightness, contrast, hue, saturation, sharpness, gamma, white balance, backlight and gain. Simply use the slider to adjust or click the auto checkbox. Click “Apply” to save any changes. You will be able to preview the changes while making adjustments.
6) To adjust custom video quality settings, simply click on the Quality dropdown box on the left hand column. Then choose “Custom”.
7) Here you are given four options. You can increase the maximum video bitrate up to 5000kbps. The audio bitrate has a max on 192kbps. The maximum resolution is 1920x1080p. Finally video quality levels are maxed out at 5. Click “Ok” to save the changes. This will increase the video resolution and bitrate for your camera.
8) To adjust the video quality of the recording you can use the slider at the bottom of the Panopto window. The recording maxes out at 1920x1080, 30 frames per second and 2500kpbs. I always max out the bitrate and frame rate for each recording I do. Sometimes I’ll record at 1280x720 resolution to minimize file size.