Rate Forum Posts
By default, forums in Course Site have no grade associated with them. However, forums have a rating option that, when enabled, allows instructors to rate student forum posts.
There are two basic ways to rate posts.
- Use a set number of points, for example 1-5.
- Use a preset scale with a variety of scores or text options (for example: Complete/Incomplete).
Both types of ratings will appear in the Gradebook, but only ratings with a point value will contribute to a course total grade.
Whole forum grading is preferred if you wish to associate a grade with the forum.
Setting up rating options for a forum
- Create your forum. Give your forum a name and choose a forum type.
- Scroll down and click Ratings to expand options.
Note - You'll only see the option "Aggregate type" until you select an option, once you select your aggregate type the other rating options will appear. - Choose an Aggregate type. The aggregate type defines how ratings are combined to form the final grade in the gradebook.
- Average of ratings - The mean of all ratings.
- Count of ratings - The number of rated posts becomes the final grade. Note that the total cannot exceed the maximum grade for the activity.
- Maximum rating - The highest rating becomes the final grade.
- Minimum rating - The smallest rating becomes the final grade.
- Sum of ratings - All ratings are added together for a total score. Note that the total cannot exceed the maximum grade for the activity.
Note: No aggregation method can exceed the maximum point value of the numeric scale chosen for rating
Example: If you set Maximum points = 10, and Aggregate type = Sum of ratings, a student who has four separate posts that are all rated at 3 points each will still only receive 10 points total for the forum.
- Choose a Scale Type:
- For Scale, choose a Scale from the drop-down list. Scales that include point values will appear in the gradebook, scales with no point value will not.
- For Point, enter a point value in Maximum points. Rating values will appear in the gradebook.
- Scroll down and click Save and display.
Rating an individual post
- Find the post you want to rate.
- Choose a rating from the Rate drop-down menu at the bottom of the post.
- View the student’s score.
- Instructors see the rating, as well as the aggregation method, the student’s current score, and the Rate menu.
- Students see their own rating and the aggregation of their scores in this forum. Students only see their own ratings or scores.
- Rate other posts as necessary.
- When you are done return to your course homepage.
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