FAQ: Qualtrics

LTS has partnered with Qualtrics to provide a powerful, easy-to-use, web-based survey tool.  See the Help Desk or your Computing Consultant for more information.

How an I have an email sent to me whenever my survey is completed?

See these instructions from Qualtrics on how to trigger emails. 

How can I allow survey-takers to return to a survey to complete or change their answers?

If survey-takers are not anonymous, this happens automatically (e.g., you used panels to email individual respondents). For non-anonymous respondents, they can return to a survey up to a week later by default to complete or change answers. To change this time period, go to Survey Options while editing the survey (upper left portion of the screen -- the icon is a checkbox). The last option lets you define the length of time respondents can complete the survey. If survey takers are anonymous, you can allow them to complete partial responses so long as they use the same computer when they return to the survey. This feature uses cookies that are stored on the computer they use to initiate the survey. To allow partial responses:

  1. While editing the survey, go to Survey Options (upper left portion of the screen).
  2. Place a check next to the Save and Continue... option.
  3. If desired go to Partial Completion to define the length of time the survey-taker can return to the survey.
  4. Click Save.

How can I darken the text entry box in my surveys?

You can do this by adding a CSS style in the Look and Feel section of Qualtrics.

  1. While editing your survey, go to the Look and Feel icon (a Prism) in the upper left-hand corner.
  2. In the upper middle section, choose Advanced.
  3. Click Add Custom CSS.
  4. Paste the following text into the box: .Skin .TE textarea, .Skin .TE input { border: 1px solid #121010; }
  5. Click Save.

How can I collaborate with others at Lehigh on my survey?

View the Qualtrics documentation on collaborating with others. To collaborate with a Lehigh faculty, staff member, or student:

  • Find the option to collaborate in the Tasks menu of the My Surveys page.
  • Type the username or personal name of the person you wish to collaborate with. The autocomplete feature should help you find the name you need. You can add several names.
  • For each person added, give permission to Edit the survey, View Results, Activate/Deactivate the survey, Copy the survey, and Distribute the survey. You can further customize Edit and View Results permissions by clicking Details.
  • Note that your collaborators will only know you've shared a survey with them if they log into Qualtrics and see the new survey at the bottom of the list of surveys. It's a good idea to email them to let them know.

How can I require a Lehigh login to complete a survey? 

To require a Lehigh login for survey takers, see instructions at Qualtrics: Use Authentication and Authentication Data.

Are there any other survey or scheduling tools available through Lehigh?

There are three main recommended options for survey creation through Lehigh: Google Forms, REDCap, and Qualtrics. Google Forms excels at shorter surveys that do not require much data manipulation. REDCap is the best solution for a longer survey where you're gathering Class 1 data or any other data that needs to be secured and protected. Qualtrics is the most robust of the three options, and is the recommended choice for any longer survey that has no data protection requirements.

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