SAML Attribute mapping

SAML Attribute mapping

Lehigh's SSO Identity Provider (IDP) at entityID="https://sso.cc.lehigh.edu/sso/saml2/idp/metadata.php" automatically maps account attributes which are shared with the service provider (SP) when you authenticate and login to a service, using the SAML2 protocol

Lehigh metadata xml file can be downloaded from here.

Here are the default mappings based on the InCommon Federation standards and some examples -

AttributeHuman-readable nameExample
urn:oid:0.9.2342.19200300.100.1.3email addressx057@lehigh.edu
urn:oid: or eduPersonPrincipalNamex057@lehigh.edu
urn:oid:, employee, member, staff, faculty, student, affiliate, library-walk-in1


Test Account
urn:oid:2.16.840.1.113730.3.1.241displayNameTest Account
urn:oid: Name (sn or surname)Account
urn:oid: Name (givenName)Test
urn:oid:, staff@lehigh.edu, student@lehigh.edu


  1. Library-walk-in isn't currently used at Lehigh.
  2. eduPersonOrcid isn't currently included in our attributes.

A good discussion of the attributes and their mapping and usage can be found in the REFEDS eduPerson standard.  The SAML Control Panel extension for Chrome and the SAML Tracer addon for firefox are excellent tools for debugging SAML login issues.

Our idp via the InCommon MDQ.

sha256 Fingerprint=90:75:76:42:A6:13:10:5F:29:44:0E:DC:32:4C:76:D0:E2:24:3F:15:E6:80:07:4E:E3:98:20:C4:E9:51:EB:BA

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