Private Enterprise Numbers (PENs)

RFC 9371 explains about PENs as such

Private Enterprise Numbers (PENs) are identifiers that can be used anywhere that an ASN.1 object identifier (OID) [ASN1] can be used. Originally, PENs were developed so that organizations that needed to identify themselves in Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) [RFC3411] Management Information Base (MIB) configurations could do so easily. PENs are also useful in any application or configuration language that needs OIDs to identify organizations. The IANA Functions Operator, referred to in this document as "IANA", manages and maintains the PEN registry in consultation with the IESG. PENs are issued from an OID prefix that was assigned to IANA. That OID prefix is Using the (now archaic) notation of ownership names in the OID tree, that corresponds to: 1 3 6 1 4 1

and we’ve registered with the IANA for Lehigh to use for our usage. Please send an email to to register usage for specific purposes and we’ll list them here on this page.




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