Create a standard Moodle assignment activity
Step by step for creating assignment
Creating the Assignment
Please note that Course Site Assignments are automatically added and synced to the grade book when created.
To add an assignment, turn editing on and and click the Add an activity or resource button in the preferred block.
Choose Assignment. Note - The help text associated with each activity is extremely helpful
Enter an Assignment name and Description (both fields are required).
The rest of the Assignment canvas is optional, but below are some important settings worth highlighting.
Availability - Allows you to set the dates from which the assignment can be submitted.
Note - The help buttons are extremely helpful.
Submission settings - By default, the "Require students click submit button" is set to "No." This option allows students to add and re-add a file as many times as they want before the due date. But they MUST click the submit button before the assignment is due, or the faculty will not receive the file. The option is usually used when students have intermittent access to the internet or would like to store their file before they send it.
Choosing how you want students to submit their work
You can specify that a student submit some online text here or certain type of file (such as a pdf).
Students can submit their online text directly to course site and will not have to upload any additional files. You can limit the number the words and no downloads are required. Students can also add images, links (websites, google docs, or you tube) as well as embedded Panopto videos using the online text editor.
2. OR students can upload files. If you want students to upload multiple files types such as slide presentations or videos, consider using Google Assignments or creating a Panopto dropbox instead. There is a set limit on the size of the file you can upload to course site.
PDF file types is the default for general assignments as this will allow you to make annotations on your student's work without having to download their submissions and open on your device. You can annotate other file types such as MS Word as well, but a PDF yields the most consistent results. Important note: if you wish to accept document types other than standard word processing documents such as spreadsheets, code projects, images, etc., it is urgently recommended that you turn off (uncheck) the "Annotate PDF" feedback type for that specific assignment. Leaving this on can cause issues with file submissions of a non-word-processing document type.
If plan to accept files types that are NOT pdfs or word (such as MS excel), you will need to download your students' files to grade, and will be unable to use the annotate PDF feature in course site.
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