Finding your IP Address in Windows

Finding your IP Address in Windows

There are any number of reasons to look up your IP address.  The following instructions show how to do this on a Windows PC, and can be helpful with regard to 'Remote Access to your Office Computer'

1.  Click 'Start' and type 'cmd' into the search box, and hit 'Enter'.

2.  In the command window that appears, type 'ipconfig'.

3.  Read the group of four numbers separated by periods on the 'IPV4' line under 'Ethernet Adapter Local Area Connection' if you're connected with a cable or 'Wireless LAN Adapter Wireless Network Connection' if you're on a wi-fi connection).

In this example, the IP address is

Hint: all Lehigh network IP addresses start with '128.180'. The second half varies by building and media (LAN or wi-fi).

Hint 2:  Wi-fi IP addresses change fairly frequently.  You might not be able to connect to a wifi device remotely before it's address changes.

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