Connect to another Mac from macOS

Connect to another Mac from macOS

macOS contains a built-in screen-sharing tool that allows you to remotely control another Mac over a network as if you were sitting in front of it.  Follow the steps below after you've completed the prior steps in 'Remote Access to Your Office Computer'.

1.  Click on the Desktop to bring the Finder app to the front, and from the 'Go' menu, select 'Connect to Server . . .

2.  In the 'Connect to Server' window, in the box at the top, type 'vnc://' followed by the network name or IP address of the computer you wish to connect too.

The example shows a connection request for 'myimac.dept.lehigh.edu'.

If you wish to have this string remembered, click the '+' button in the lower right-hand corner of the window, and it will be added to the list of 'Favorite Servers'.

Finally, click 'Connect' in the lower right.

3.  Depending on network speeds and the other machine, you may wait a moment to connect.

4.  When the other machine responds, you'll first need to log in with an account that has remote access.

5.  If another user is logged in, you'll be asked whether you wish to share their session, or create your own.  

If you share their display session, anyone at the remote computer itself will also be able to control the mouse, enter text, and issue commands.  

If you log in 'as yourself', the other user will not see your display, and can continue working without your input, but a second user session does use the machine's resources, and could slow the machine down.  

Note that if no other user is on the machine, your screen session will be visible to anyone in front of the machine.

6.  When the connection is made, you'll see the screen of the other Mac in a window.  

7.  Note well:  Simply _closing_ this window only disconnects your view of the session -- it does not log you out.  If your session is the one on the screen, anyone in front of the machine will have access to your account unless you log out.  Remember to use the 'Log Out' command under the apple menu when you're finished.

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