Troubleshooting LUNA Connectivity

Troubleshooting LUNA Connectivity

While hundreds of users across campus are able to connect every day, a few people have run into persistent problems connecting. In this document we’ll go over the reasons for a couple of the most frequent issues, and suggest some possible fixes to these problems.

To Start

  • Wait 10-20 minutes after you register the device to try to connect it. It may take a few minutes for the newly registered device to be added to the network.
  • Try restarting the device.
  • Note any error messages that you have (in case

Check the Device Compatibility List

Not all wireless devices work properly, or at all, on the LUNA network. Check the list of compatible devices for information on what works, and what doesn’t.

Check Your MAC Address

Your Media Access Control (MAC) address should take the form of six (6) pairs of hexadecimal digits.

  • Hex digits continue on after 0-9 with a, b, c, d, e, and f.
  • Depending on the font, a capital B could look a lot like the number 8. When writing down the address, note any characters that are ambiguous.
  • Fortunately, the letters ‘o’ and ‘l’ are not legal characters, so a 0 can’t be mistaken for an O, and a 1 can’t be mistaken for a lower-case L.
  • Typically a colon is used to separate each pair of digits, e.g. 00:9f:23:a1:bc:ef, but sometimes a hyphen ( - ) may be used instead, e.g. 00-9f-23-a1-bc-ef
  • The registration page requires you to enter the MAC address using colons, not hyphens.

If you think you may have entered the wrong MAC address, you can log back into the registration page, click the Edit button next to the entry, then use the Delete button to clear than registration and start over.

Try connecting to open WiFi

Sometimes your console or smart TV will retain old settings, or have hardware or software problems that prevent it from connecting to any wifi network.

The biggest clue that something is wrong with the device is that it will be unable to connect to the lehigh-guest network. The guest network is too slow for video streaming and gaming applications, but it will allow any of these devices to connect, because it requires no authentication at all.

If a device will not connect to lehigh-guest or another open wifi network, something significant has failed in the WiFi system of that device. This could range from physical problems like a damaged antenna connection, to software problems like failed firmware updates or bugs.

In these cases, it’s best to attempt a complete device reset or restore factory defaults. Each device manufacturer should have instructions on their website for doing this. Keep in mind that if the problem is damage to hardware, a software reset will never resolve the problem.

For ease of reference, the main LUNA documentation is here:
Wireless Access for Smart TVs, Game Consoles, and other WiFi Devices

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