LUNA Device Compatibility List

LUNA Device Compatibility List

General Notes on Compatibility

Most wireless media devices are usable on the LUNA network. The List below represents the most used or asked about devices by Lehigh students. Generally media devices that come with their own remote should work OK.

Devices that require a phone or laptop to configure and/or use will not work. Examples of these types of devices would be wireless printers and Google Chromecast.

Smart TVs

Generally most models smart TVs should be able to connect to and use the LUNA network without any problems.

Apple TV

Apple TV will generally work on the LUNA network. However, features like controlling the device using a laptop or mobile device will not work (because they're on a different network).


Xbox gaming consoles (Xbox 360 and Xbox One) generally will work on the LUNA network. However, certain features like Party chat and Skype have been reported by users as not working.


PS3 and PS4 playstations have been reported as working on LUNA.

Wireless Printers

Wireless printers will not work on LUNA.

Sonos Speakers

Sonos speakers will not work on LUNA


Google Chromecast devices will not work on LUNA


Roku devices that come with their own remote will work on LUNA. However it will not be possible to use the Roku phone app to control the device using LUNA.

Amazon FireTV

Amazon FireTV with the included remote will work on LUNA. However it will not be possible to use the Amazon phone app to control the device using LUNA

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