

Minitab is available for faculty/staff/students at Lehigh to be installed on Lehigh Owned computers.  Minitab has changed the way licenses are acquired and the desktop downloaded. Their license model has changed to a Named user account/software as a service environment.   Please follow the steps below to access Minitab and/or download the Minitab Client.  

If you are a new user of Minitab at Lehigh, you will need to first request an account at: https://www.lehigh.edu/help.  "submit a Help Request" and select "software request" on the left side of the screen and fill out the form requesting a Minitab account.  Once the account is created, you can follow the instructions below to download the client from the Minitab portal.

Windows Users:

  1. Login to the Minitab portal at: https://app.minitab.com/ (using your Lehigh E-mail)
  2. Login using your Lehigh UserID and Password
  3. Agree to the subscription agreement and privacy policy
  4. On the right side of the top menu bar, click on My Products
  5. In the Minitab box, click on "Download Desktop App" and download to your Desktop
  6. Move to the Installing Minitab Desktop App instructions below

Windows users may also use the Web App in lieu of downloading

Macintosh Users:

  1. Login to the Minitab portal at: https://app.minitab.com/ (using your Lehigh E-mail)
  2. Login using your Lehigh UserID and Password
  3. Agree to the subscription agreement and privacy policy
  4. On the right side of the top menu bar, click on My Products
  5. In the Minitab box, click on "Open Web App"

There is no Desktop App for macs, users must use the Web Application

Installing the Minitab Desktop App (For Windows Only)

  1. Locate the location of the Installer (on your Desktop).
  2. To start the installation process click the installer.
  3. Click "Next" To begin the installation
  4. Click on the "Activate with a license" option and click 'Next"
  5. On the "Select a Licensing Method" box, select the "Sign In" option and click "Next"
  6. Click 'Next" for the destination folder - and then the "Install" button
  7. Minitab will install - click the "Finish" button and you will be good to go.

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